JHs, Ecdysones, Brassinosteroids and others; prices (EUR)

SciTech spol. s r.o., Nad Sarkou 75, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic, tel./fax +420-224 311 850, Email scitech@scitech.cz. Please note the product description, catalogue number, package price and size before ordering. Write to us for your full catalogue/pricelist copy. Mix or match bulk discounts !!! . Download the PDF pricelist with available data.

Cat. #CompoundNameUnit SizePrice EUR
S3312-001 Juvenile hormone II9-(3-Ethyl-3-methyloxiranyl)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-nonadienoic acid methyl ester10 mgEUR 450

20-OH Ecdysone 98%2β,3β,14,20,22,25-Hexahydroxy-5β-cholest-7-en-6-one 10 mgEUR 210
S3314-095 20-OH Ecdysone 95%2β,3β,14,20,22,25-Hexahydroxy-5β-cholest-7-en-6-one 10 mgEUR 50
Ajugasterone C
2β,3β,11α,14,20,22-Hexahydroxy-5β-cholest-7-en-6-one 10 mgEUR 195

Polypodine B

(22R)-2β,3β,5,14,20,22,25-Heptahydroxy-5β-cholest-7-en-6-one 10 mgEUR 180
S3331-001 Ponasterone A
(22R)-2β,3β,14,20,22-Pentahydroxy-5β-cholest-7-en-6-one 10 mgEUR 245
(2α,3α,5α,22R,23R)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxyergostan-6-one 10 mgEUR 320
S3316-001 24-Epibrassinolide(2α,3α,5α,22R,23R)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxy-B-homo-7-oxaergostan-6-one 10 mgEUR 310
28-Homocastasterone(2α,3α,5α,22R,23R)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxystigmastan-6-one 10 mgEUR 300
28-Homobrassinolide(2α,3α,5α,22R,23R)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxy-B-homo-7-oxastigmastan-6-one 10 mgEUR 300
(22S,23S)-24-Epibrassinolide(2α,3α,5α,22S,23S)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxy-B-homo-7-oxaergostan-6-one 10 mgEUR 300
(22S,23S)-24-Epicastasterone(2α,3α,5α,22S,23S)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxyergostan-6-one 10 mgEUR 300
(22S,23S)-28-Homocastasterone(2α,3α,5α,22S,23S)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxystigmastan-6-one 10 mgEUR 300
(22S,23S)-28-Homobrassinolide(2α,3α,5α,22S,23S)-2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxy-B-homo-7-oxastigmastan-6-one 10 mgEUR 650
Brassicasterol(3β,22E)-Ergosta-5,22-dien-3-ol 10 mgEUR 189
Brassicasterol 3-OAc(3β,22E)-Ergosta-5,22-dien-3-ol acetate10 mgEUR 215
Trilobolide NEW(2Z)​-(3S,​3aR,​4S,​6S,​6aS,​8R,​9bS)​-​6-​(acetyloxy)​-​2,​3,​3a,​4,​5,​6,​6a,​7,​8,​9b-
-​oxobutoxy]​-​2-​oxoazuleno[4,​5-​b]​furan-​8-​yl 2-​butenoic acid 2-​methyl-ester
10 mgEUR 790

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The new item TRILOBOLIDE (CAS RN 50657-07-3) is structurally very similar to thapsigargin (CAS RN 67526-95-8) with analogous biological properties, i.a. inhibitory activity to sarco/endoplasmatic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and potent immunostimulation.

N/a - temporarily not available. Please note the product description, catalogue number, package price and size before ordering. Write to us for your full catalogue/pricelist copy. Mix or match bulk discounts !!! We ship with courier services. Shipping and handling EUR75. Universities can ask for our special 20 % academic discount, providing the purchase is made for a non-profit project. There is a EUR50 adjustment for orders below EUR150. 10 mg amounts are examples, catalogue brings available package sizes. JHs are packaged in ca 10 mg vials. The JH vial weight is, however, fixed. You cannot order less. For larger orders of JHs order multiple vials.

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